Let’s face the fact that we are living in a temporary world called earth. Well, that’s a reality that some people don’t mind thinking about. Count me in. As a human, it’s in our nature to do what we want, drive our own life or just go with the flow and be a mediocre. Count me in again.
How about we try to pause, stop for a while. Leave your worries, cares, fears behind. Think about this. We are all familiar with the word death. Are we thinking about it? Just a question to ponder, where will you go after death? What is your destination after living in this temporary world?
Yes, hell is real. Honestly, before, I’m thinking that hell is not real at all. I believed that God doesn’t want His people/ His own creation/ His masterpiece (me, you, us, all people) to go to hell. But when I appreciated the love of Christ for me, a sinner, I learn that, as a human, our Loving God gave us the freedom to choose what we think is right and wrong, freewill. Let me remind everyone that if hell is real, heaven is also real. We were created to love, choose love, stay in love. I’m 21, and as I live this life I realized that when I commit a sin, lying, saying bad words, cursing people, cursing my situation, hating people, my situation gets worst. Committing sin after sin after sin is no help. It won’t fix my situation. It just gets worst and worst. But thank God, there’s repentance. The moment you confess that you have sinned against God, He will lovingly forgive you. Fact is, He already forgive you before you ask. How loving. How genuine. How pure. That’s God. That’s the way He loves. But that is just one of billions and billions and billions of ways how God loves. He is so big that we cannot imagine how wide, how deep, how high His love for us.
God is deeply in love with you. He chose to sacrifice His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from hell. Jesus, chose death to save us. Jesus overcame death for us. What is our part? How can we respond to that exceptional love?
God has a beautiful plan in your life. He wants you to live a wonderful, rich and satisfying life. But there is a problem, sin. It hinders God’s blessing for you. God longs to bless you and pour out overflowing favor in your life. Do you want God’s blessing overflow in your life? Here’s a Good News, there is a solution. He’s name is Jesus, The One that was crucified on the cross at Calvary thousand years ago. He was crucified as a human, Jesus died a human death. He was crying in pain. You know why Jesus, did that? Because Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you so much. Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and receive God’s eternal gift of salvation.
Say this prayer with all your heart, mean every word, be sincere. Let us pray. Dear God, thank You for loving me. I’m sorry for all my sin. Forgive me God. I have sinned against You. I’m sorry. I choose to accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Rule in my life. Be the driver, and I will be your passenger. Let not my will but your will be done. Nothing more, nothing else. Have Your way oh God. Jesus, be the center of everything. Thank you so much for Your great love. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Congratulations! You may now enjoy this life. You are now a new person. Start living a life full of love. A life where Jesus at the center. Know Jesus more by reading the bible. And also be part of a life group, a group of people where you can talk about God every week. This will help you walk your journey as a Christian. God bless you!